God's Artistry

God's Artistry
Opening His vistas

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is this nation bent on out-communisting the USSR?

What a travesty! Our dictator "leader" lends money and forgives debt to other countries when our debt is out of control? Taking money from the private producing part of our nation to pad the pockets and job base for the federal government and public entities is communistic to say the least. Giving three meals (of questionable nutritional quality) a day to public school children (many on food stamps already) is communistic. Threatening to cut military funds and Medicare payments is shear blackmail. Promising to fail to sign any bill which would ease the economic crisis is mafioso/criminal.
The law enforcement community, federal snoops, and unscrupulous creditors already peek at our mail and internet communications - gestapo. Where does it stop? One nation, gave up God, fully divisible by greed and pride, we crumble under the oppression of a ridiculously out of touch government and are misled by a myriad of limp-wristed, politically-correct pastors, too wimpy to tell the truth even if they knew it.
Only God and a bunch of sick-of-it Christian patriots give this country any chance to survive and it better happen quick!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

new book

My new book is out: Spiritual/Biblical Psychology. It is a refreshing logical and well-documented look at the Bible with a favorable view from the scientific desk. There is enough data recorded in this work to prove to anyone of reasonable IQ that the premise that the psychology of the Bible is right and true. The walls established by religiosity and narrow-minded physicists are render here invalid.
This treatment of the psychology of the spirit within man from a Biblical viewpoint is not only incisive for personal health, but also of relationships.