God's Artistry

God's Artistry
Opening His vistas

Friday, February 24, 2012

State of the union (USA)

State of the union – USA
1. Window will not be open long.
2. We must change, not just the leadership.
a. No buy now, pay later.
b. Real education.
c. Less dependency on gov’t.
3. Do not vote if you’re looking for another scapegoat.
4. This was a Christian republic, it is not.
5. Bluntly, we must cease ungodly acts and behavior as a people.
6. I will vote for Ron Paul only.
a. I have met and, more than once talked with him. HE IS REAL.
b. Not a politician or arguer.
c. 3rd party will not get elected (wrong, but it is what it is)
d. Tea party original platform was good, now it is political.
e. Ron Paul reportedly (I was not there) has prayer and Bible study in Congress, routinely. He has preached at our little country church. We need this Christian patriot (not just name only).
f. I do not agree with him 100%, but who would? The alternative is business as usual. Also, he is a bit older, he may be right and I might be wrong about some things.
g. He will likely dethrone the Federal Reserve & try to get us out of the UN. There, alone is enough to hire him.
h. Do not vote for him so we can have another scapegoat. WE MUST CHANGE. He will not keep us from spending what we don’t have. Obama care MUST be done away with.
i. If you are a Christian patriot, do the right thing: change what we are doing and put in an honest Christian patriot. Our vote is not for the presidency, it is for delegates. Maybe this should be changed.
May God bless us and change our hearts & minds & our country’s leadership.
Dr. Jake Wade

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Political unrest

Political unrest describes my demeanor relative to the political climate in this country. What a mess! We send a message with a whole bunch of replacements and it is business as usual in Washington. Add to that a dictator who will not follow the rules and totally lacks any contact with the reality of what this country is supposed to be.
My unrest comes from the fact the the Republicans, who we depended upon to keep their pledge of "no dirty politics," have run amok. The Tea Party was supposed to be a way to get politics back to Constitutionalism and reason. Ron Paul, Romney, and Rick Perry were supposed to champion Christianity, morality, and the Constitution.
Romney sounds more and more Liberal, Perry is slinging mud, and Paul is attacking. Where does a Christian Patriot go from here?
UNREST? That's saying mildly.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mayan 2012

Well, the Mayan calender has run out or at least is in the last few days and though in the toilet, the USA has not been flushed yet. I still hold out hope that the Christian, compassionate, rugged, individualist, pioneer spirit that cranked up this nation would somehow come out of hiding and take over. We were a strong, self-sufficient country before (and if you do not like it, sorry) before the immigrants were allowed to set the tone of dependency on big government and other countries for our well-being. When I was a little fellow, some 60 years ago, we did not lock our doors, autos did not have locks, there was no TV or internet, and we sat around a table to eat as a family. Our entertainment was radio and only after all the chores were done. Hmmm?
I was raised for some of my early years on a farm. We worked "can to can't" and as a family. If a neighbor had trouble, neighbors helped. I remember going to help raise a barn where one had burned down. The only purchases made were with real money and only when we had some. Few borrowed personal loans. Loans were for businesses. There was no plastic buy now and hope I can pay latter.
Like the Lone Ranger theme used to say, "The thrilling days of yesteryear." We were not financially wealthy. In fact, by today's standard, we were poor. But, I do not remember feeling poor or needing anything. Of course, when I had time, I made most of what I played with. We did not sit around playing video games or surfing the net for God knows what, getting lazier and fatter.
It is time this nation went to the elderly who remember how it was done when it was better and return to something that worked then and would again.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I guess I occasionally have too much passion or at least allow it to take over. I notice that it is when I allow my passion on a topic to overpower my mental order that the result is often typos. One of the mentors to my early growth in ministry, John Maxwell, proclaimed that the pastor must have passion to be effective. I agree, however there seems to be a practical limit when it comes to expressing it to others. Having written many books and papers, my proofreading of a nearly finished work often reveals this cause for typos and other errors.
It would seem to hold that we suffer from this same malady when we are passionate about a verbal discussion or touchy written subject. I believe passion not only is required for our politicians to be attractive politically, but it also fuels error and over-aggressiveness. Passion might be better used if we followed the Proverb which warns us to think before speaking.
This particular blog is probably of little consequence, but it seemed to be necessary to pen it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I am awed by the "leadership of this country. We do not learn from history. We cannot see the big picture. They are so insanely greedy and self-serving that logic and academia are non-existent.I am awed by those who claim to be American, even Christian who lack any concern for others. My ancestors, our "forefathers" had a sense of community and compassion. Who killed it?
We, the people, have allowed one stupid woman to remove prayer from our schoolrooms, a small group of idiots to facilitate removing the Commandments from courtrooms (Constitution based on those Commandments), and put up with limp-wristed "pastors'" unwillingness to stick to the Truth.
Every great regime in history flourished as long as they maintained some degree of integrity. Rome fell for lack of it, Babylon, Alexander, Khan, etc. fell from greedy, self-service and decay of integrity.
Academically, I cannot be the only one who sees the printing of "play money" as economically unsound. I cannot be the only one who knows the basic premise of running up debt does not cure it! What happened to a people who did not spend money until they had it? Or better yet, barter a service or good for a service or a good. How did we allow a Maynard Keynes to kill supply/demand economics in favor of this fiat mess? The Federal Reserve is a tool for New World Order control. Start there. Send the Fed to Europe. Get the UN and Fed out of our way!
We cannot seem to get!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is this nation bent on out-communisting the USSR?

What a travesty! Our dictator "leader" lends money and forgives debt to other countries when our debt is out of control? Taking money from the private producing part of our nation to pad the pockets and job base for the federal government and public entities is communistic to say the least. Giving three meals (of questionable nutritional quality) a day to public school children (many on food stamps already) is communistic. Threatening to cut military funds and Medicare payments is shear blackmail. Promising to fail to sign any bill which would ease the economic crisis is mafioso/criminal.
The law enforcement community, federal snoops, and unscrupulous creditors already peek at our mail and internet communications - gestapo. Where does it stop? One nation, gave up God, fully divisible by greed and pride, we crumble under the oppression of a ridiculously out of touch government and are misled by a myriad of limp-wristed, politically-correct pastors, too wimpy to tell the truth even if they knew it.
Only God and a bunch of sick-of-it Christian patriots give this country any chance to survive and it better happen quick!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

new book

My new book is out: Spiritual/Biblical Psychology. It is a refreshing logical and well-documented look at the Bible with a favorable view from the scientific desk. There is enough data recorded in this work to prove to anyone of reasonable IQ that the premise that the psychology of the Bible is right and true. The walls established by religiosity and narrow-minded physicists are render here invalid.
This treatment of the psychology of the spirit within man from a Biblical viewpoint is not only incisive for personal health, but also of relationships.