God's Artistry

God's Artistry
Opening His vistas

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I am awed by the "leadership of this country. We do not learn from history. We cannot see the big picture. They are so insanely greedy and self-serving that logic and academia are non-existent.I am awed by those who claim to be American, even Christian who lack any concern for others. My ancestors, our "forefathers" had a sense of community and compassion. Who killed it?
We, the people, have allowed one stupid woman to remove prayer from our schoolrooms, a small group of idiots to facilitate removing the Commandments from courtrooms (Constitution based on those Commandments), and put up with limp-wristed "pastors'" unwillingness to stick to the Truth.
Every great regime in history flourished as long as they maintained some degree of integrity. Rome fell for lack of it, Babylon, Alexander, Khan, etc. fell from greedy, self-service and decay of integrity.
Academically, I cannot be the only one who sees the printing of "play money" as economically unsound. I cannot be the only one who knows the basic premise of running up debt does not cure it! What happened to a people who did not spend money until they had it? Or better yet, barter a service or good for a service or a good. How did we allow a Maynard Keynes to kill supply/demand economics in favor of this fiat mess? The Federal Reserve is a tool for New World Order control. Start there. Send the Fed to Europe. Get the UN and Fed out of our way!
We cannot seem to get!

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