God's Artistry

God's Artistry
Opening His vistas

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Demons & cancer

For anyone who has done "cancer" research or even seen electron microscopy of "cancer" or virus cells should agree that one does not need Hollywood to suggest that these tiny organisms are demons. Jesus cast out thousands out of a demoniac in one Bible account. Our society and, more specifically the medical community, comes up with names for that which they do not understand or can not cope with. I can give them one name with different shapes and specialties: DEMON.
Why do we not just go by the owner's manual, the Bible, and realize that all the foreign invaders are demon pestilence and deal with them appropriately.
Consider that, if we would stop using and taking drugs, bad foods, and bad habits, all of which hamper God-built-in immunities and repairs systems, we would be healthy, limit birth defects, and heal naturally. Of course, doctors would be more limited to actual cures than cover-up (with nerve dampening drugs) and setting broken bones and removing zits. And, in addition, we would greatly reduce the slave hold and profits of the drugs dealers (pharmacy industry).
Now that I have illicited a hit on myself by the drug cartel, this may be my last blog, so take it to heart. It is very true.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bad memories, a millstone

Though we claim to be a Christian nation, our media has provided toxic waste for our psyches. The television and other broadcasting mediums constantly bombard this nation with negative training. From sit-coms to fear-mongering, sensationalist news casting, our people are being taught to be afraid of everything from warm earth to tainted food.
My Bible says fear only God. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Jesus warned that harboring unforgiveness and worry is like having a millstone around your neck and jumping into the sea.
In my book, "Spiritual/Biblical Psychology", I agree with Dr. Caroline Leaf in the premise that negative thoughts are toxins for one's very existence.
Jesus said (Matthew 6) God will forgive us as we forgive others. Paul qualifies this by noting that God forgets the sin (Hebrew 10:17). Do we want Him to forget ours? Then, it would follow that we must forget the attrocities of others. Not go stupid and invite a thief back into our house and leave him alone, but to free our minds of the wrong which we endured. It IS past and we made it through. Why let the perp continue the event in our minds.
The Bible says overcome, put it behind us, not "save" it in our mind's computer. Delete and live! Forgive and experience peace. Negative thoughts poison the mind - detox and be healthy. Dwelling on negative past for anything other than educational value is spiritually foolish. An abundant life is relatively negative free and positively full. Romans 8:28 claims, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called to His purpose." We may not always understand why He is doing what He is doing, but He is God. His purpose is not always clear. But, as I used to tell my kids asking why, "Because I said so and it's my house." God created us, He gets to make the call.
I recommend: rather than carrying grudges, not forgiving, and piling up bad memories so that we can function as professional victims, we should dump the millstone and live free.

Monday, August 9, 2010


The American Cherokee (my people) had a spiritual psychology awareness (not so named) of a human need to contact the earth. We are an electromagnetic force field (spirit) housed in a vessel formed from the dirt (Genesis). We are destined to vacate this vessel and return to the Creator as a spirit (Ecclesiastes 12:7). The dirt will return to the dirt.
Would it not follow that, we, while in these earthen vessels, would be wise to remain in contact with the dirt from which our housings were formed. The Cherokee was a manager of and respecter of the land on which he walked. He felt a need to contact and maintain a relationship with and an appreciation for that dirt.
God mandated in His Commandments that we should take a day off and appreciate what He has done for us (Sabbath). Of course, rather than simply follow instructions and realize how truly blessed we are, man tends to complain and moan and become ill. My recommendation would be to learn from my ancestors and routinely take your shoes off (Moses was told to do that) and contact the earth (why do folks feel so good walking around barefoot at the beach?). It is good for your electromagnetic field to electronically link to the earth's field. Any good pipeline builder can tell you that degaussing a pipe (Drawing off a magnetic field) is occasionally necessary or the welder will be unsuccessful in his task. He is attempting to join two entities together. Maybe this has something to do with the Cherokee's peacefulness. He was able to link with other such like entities.
Does man need to contact the earth, appreciate its beauty, and thank the Creator for such blessings? You be the judge.

Monday, August 2, 2010

"Normal" is not!

A misnomer frequenting contemporary syntax is "normal". Normal used to mean usual or common. The confusion lies in the fact that these definitions are no longer valid. As a Biblical psychologist (which according to the English language means a studier of the mind from a Biblical approach) I find that today's "normal" is a rather dubious moniker for alluding to a sound mental/emotional demeanor.
The validity of Biblical approach looms evens greater when it seems the only benchmark for a "normalcy" will be found in the Scriptures. There one can locate a myriad of characterizations of our Creator's intent for normal human behavior.
In any scientific endeavor, the researcher must begin with some point of repeatable and recognizable constant. God's mandate for man's thinking is most succinctly promulgated in passages such as Philippians 2:5, Colossians 3:1-4, and II Peter 1 which have the common thread of "keeping one's thoughts on Godly things".
Though as yet unpublished, my book: Spiritual/Biblical Psychology delves, in great depth, into the spiritual essence of God's Word in conjunction with the study of the human mind - psychology.
The great divide between secular mind study and Biblical mind study lies in the concept of "Keeping the subject in the mud" vs. "Getting him out of the mud, permanently". The missing factor in the secular approach (in the mud) is forgiveness. The Bible says forgive and move on. This works while the secular approach provides a routine income. Harsh as that sounds, it would seem apropos.
The tragedy looms, for the subject of psychological study, that they become victims of less than adequate healing techniques while the mentors fight over the programs.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Psychology of the Spirit

I have read a myriad of blogs refuting any legitimate links between "psychology" and the Bible or spirit. Those commentators have apparently not researched the Bible thoroughly enough or have not examined the meaning of these English terms.
The Bible refers to many a mind-altering process inclusive of brain-washing (washed by the water of the Word, Ephesians). Philippians 2:5 clearly mandates an alteration of the mind to that of Jesus mind. A change of mental attitude and perspective is deemed necessary by both Jesus and Paul.
Let us not fear words because they have been misapplied or misunderstood. This is simple: psych = mind; ology = study of. Man has a mind. He cannot walk the walk of Christ-likeness without an alteration of mental process. Science and Bible are not at odds. Only when man decides to slant, for whatever reason, is there a conflict.
The war between science and the Bible is foolish. True, honest Science supports and confirms the Bible (though it does not need our help). Einstein got it! We are a spiritual energy entity which, according to physics (science) cannot be destroyed. Ecclessiates 12:7 reads "The physical ("dirt") part of man returns to the dirt and the spirit returns to the Creator". We do not die as man has couched it, we go on -- to somewhere. It is the somewhere which is critical. We go to Heaven forever or The Lake of Fire forever.
Rather than continue in debate with science, the Christian community would be better served by looking to finding the mind-altering processes of the Bible to properly prepare for the journey to Heaven

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Psychology of the Spirit

The mind is a powerful, alterable device. It can be aimed or guided by spiritual parameters or physical. Mankind has been so conditioned to the five (5) senses that we really do not have much sense. "If it feels good, do it"; "It looks good, must be OK!"; "I feel like I'll be alright"; "Sounds good to me"; "Just let me have a little taste"; "It smells awful, so it must be bad". Ever hear any of these. We live by our senses and then wonder why we cannot achieve joy, peace, and love.
Spirit is of the "heart". Spirit is what and who we are. God breathed a part of Himself into each of us. We are a part of the "glue" which holds together and controls our world/universe. We are a measurable, (sometimes) visible, electromagnetic field (force). It is our spirit. It can be connected to the Creator or source by the Holy Spirit much as plugging a cord into a wall and turning on a radio.
We do not tap into the source for our "juice", so we do not get "juiced". Therefore, it is impossible to reap the benefits of joy, peace, and love. Psychology is the study of the mind. The mind is guided by something. As long as it is the flesh (senses), the existence will remain a shallow, unfulfilled one. Plugged in to the Holy Spirit will yield all those things for which man so futilely searches and cannot find. We try to intellectualize that which cannot be discerned in that manner and become frustrated with our failure.
One does not go to Taco Bell for information or repair of his automobile, so why do we seek these things from any place but the Creator?
Psychology of the Spirit, mmmm! Food for thought and space for blog.