God's Artistry

God's Artistry
Opening His vistas

Monday, August 2, 2010

"Normal" is not!

A misnomer frequenting contemporary syntax is "normal". Normal used to mean usual or common. The confusion lies in the fact that these definitions are no longer valid. As a Biblical psychologist (which according to the English language means a studier of the mind from a Biblical approach) I find that today's "normal" is a rather dubious moniker for alluding to a sound mental/emotional demeanor.
The validity of Biblical approach looms evens greater when it seems the only benchmark for a "normalcy" will be found in the Scriptures. There one can locate a myriad of characterizations of our Creator's intent for normal human behavior.
In any scientific endeavor, the researcher must begin with some point of repeatable and recognizable constant. God's mandate for man's thinking is most succinctly promulgated in passages such as Philippians 2:5, Colossians 3:1-4, and II Peter 1 which have the common thread of "keeping one's thoughts on Godly things".
Though as yet unpublished, my book: Spiritual/Biblical Psychology delves, in great depth, into the spiritual essence of God's Word in conjunction with the study of the human mind - psychology.
The great divide between secular mind study and Biblical mind study lies in the concept of "Keeping the subject in the mud" vs. "Getting him out of the mud, permanently". The missing factor in the secular approach (in the mud) is forgiveness. The Bible says forgive and move on. This works while the secular approach provides a routine income. Harsh as that sounds, it would seem apropos.
The tragedy looms, for the subject of psychological study, that they become victims of less than adequate healing techniques while the mentors fight over the programs.

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